Nest Hostels prepare for you some useful tips about Tomatina festival. Share experience!!!
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Tip 1: Take with you old clothes. Be ready to throw them away to trash. Tomatina´s classic is white T-Shirt.
Tip 2: Wear shoes with a decent grip. Wear Flip-Flop style shoes is a bad idea.
Tip 3: Use the googles. Tomato is acid!
Tip 4: Take the protective case for your camera or mobile phone.
Tip 5: More early is better. Come early to Buñol.
Tip 6: Keep a safe distance of the lorries with tomatoes and keep safety directions. Nobody wanna be in ambulance.
Tip 7: Don´t miss palo-jábon event.
La Tomatina 3 Day – Valencia Nest Hostel

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