The great Valencia Fair offers more than 200 activities throughout July!
In July, València prepares for its annual Great Valencia Fair. The city hosts a month of events, including street art, outdoor music, and fireworks displays along the seafront. There’s also time for culture, with a museum night that lasts until dawn. And a stunning Battle of Flowers as the grand finale. València comes alive with the rhythms of jazz, pop, and rock. As well as the scents of gunpowder, roses, and daisies, throughout the festival.
The celebration began on July 21, 1871, with a spectacular parade, pavilions, plant exhibits, and a variety of products for sale. The Festival eventually came to coincide with the harvest over the years. Do not miss the great Valencian fair, which celebrates its 150th anniversary.
Do Not Miss:
In addition to the typical venues of the Concert de Vivers and the Jardins del Palau, the fair has grown in recent years, spreading across every crevice of the city with this Correfira that travels around València’s districts and villages. It has also grown as a result of the four nights that steer the majority of the weekend activities: The Folk Nights bring us together with traditional music and our festive heritage; the Nit a la Mar brings live performances to the Mediterranean Sea; the Gran Nit brings culture and festive traditions to the historical center; and the Nit de la Punxà, which precedes the Batalla de Flors, a peaceful battle that marks the fair’s end. All of this will be accompanied by the Focs de Fira cycle’s firework displays.